Battery History |
Allensanaro Volta adalah seorang fisikawan Italia yang mengenalkan kata Volt. Pada tahun 1789 pertama kali ia membuat baterai dengan menggunakan batang tembaga sebagai cathode (+) dan batang zinc sebagai anode (-) dan larutan elektolit acid. Pada tahun 1890 baterai mulai diproduksi secara masal oleh National Carbon Company yang terletak di Cleveland, Ohio. Belakangan menjadi industri raksasa yang kita kenal dengan nama Union Carbide. Antara tahun 1890 hingga 1970 baterai kering mulai terkenal, tetapi dalam desainnya tidak ada perkebangan yang signifikan. Sekarang baterai standar (carbon zinc dan zinc chloride) mencakup :
Jenis-jenis batere berdasarkan bahan :
1. Baterai Seng-klorida (Zinc Chloride) dan baterai seng-karbon (Carbon Zinc): biasanya untuk pemakaian umum dengan daya 1,5 volt dan kapasitas 500 – 1.000 mAh. Keduanya banyak dipakai pada tahun 1970-an, sebelum alkaline tersedia di pasar. Saat ini mungkin masih populer di negara tertentu karena harganya jauh lebih murah daripada alkaline, walaupun mereka dinilai buruk jika dipakai untuk peralatan yang rakus energi (mis: kamera digital). Baterai ini termasuk punya daya simpan yang tahan lama atau laju pengatusannya( self discharge rate) lambat.
Karakteristik Zinc Chloride
Type | Primary |
Chemical Reaction | 8MnO2 + 4Zn + ZnCl2 + 9H2O --> 8MnOOH + ZnCl2.4ZnO.5H2O |
Operating Temperature | 0º F to 160º F ( -17º C to 71.1º C) Good low temperature performance. |
Recommended for | Motor driven toys, cassette players/recorders, radios, clocks, and calculators. |
Initial Voltage | Varies |
Capacity | Zinc Chloride batteries offer 50% higher capacity than Carbon Zinc under the same load. In comparison, Alkaline batteries generally offer from 500% to 700% higher capacity then Carbon Zinc. These batteries do not have a standard capacity rating; see the Capacity heading for a full explanation. |
Discharge Rate | Sloping, does not fall off to as great a degree as Carbon Zinc, especially at higher current drain. |
Internal Resistance | Very low; increases with usage, storage or at low temperature. |
Impedance | Low. |
Storage Life | up to two years. |
Storage Temperature | -40º F to 160º F ( -40º C to 71.1º C) |
Disposal | Not recyclable; check with your local authority (city/county/parish) for proper disposal. |
Other Notes | The water in the cell is consumed by an oxide compound reaction, so that the cell is virtually dry at the end of its service life. |
2. Baterai Lithium: baterai dengan daya 1.7 volts dan kapasitas energi tergolong tinggi (AA: 2.100 mAh), memiliki umur simpan lebih lama, untuk sekali pakai dan waktu pakainya lebih lama dari baterai Alkaline. Kinerja untuk peralatan yang rakus energi tergolong sangat baik. Daya simpan sangat lama tetapi bersifat racun. Produk biasanya dibanderol denga harga premium sehingga jauh lebih mahal daripada baterai Alkaline.
Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery Characteristics
Type | Primary |
Chemical Reaction | Li + MnO2 --> LiMnO2 |
Operating Temperature | -40º F to 140º F ( -40º C to 60º C). Best for extreme temperatures. |
Recommended for | Outdoor use (requiring a low temperature range) and for high-discharge devices, which include (but are not limited to):digital cameras, RC cars, portable power tools, heavy-use flashlights, CB walkie-talkies, FRS radios, portable televisions, handheld video games, portable audio systems (such as boomboxes), CD players, MP3 players, appliances, shavers, and toothbrushes. |
Initial Voltage | 3.0 (button cell), 1.5 (cylindrical), 9 (rectangular) |
Capacity | Varies |
Discharge Rate | Flat |
Internal Resistance | Low and stable |
Impedance | Low and constant |
Storage Life | Good shelf life; loses 0.5% per year. |
Storage Temperature | -40º F to 140º F ( -40º C to 60º C) |
Disposal | Not recyclable; check with your local authority (city/county/parish) for proper disposal. |
3. Baterai Oxyride: baterai sekali pakai dengan daya 1.7 volts dan tidak beracun, daya simpan lama atau laju pengatusannya lambat. Baterai ini termasuk yang terbaik karena dapat tahan dipakai lebih lama daripada baterai alkaline dan lainnya.
Silver Oxide Battery Characteristics
Type | Primary |
Chemical Reaction | Zn + Ag2O KOH --> ZnO + 2Ag or Zn + Ag2O NaOH --> ZnO + 2Ag |
Operating Temperature | 32º F to 130º F (0º C to 54.4º C) with KOH electrolyte. NaOH electrolyte operates less well at low temperatures. |
Recommended for | Hearing aids, watches, calculators, photoelectric exposure meters, instruments, and pagers. |
Initial Voltage | 1.45 volts |
Capacity | Varies |
Discharge Rate | Flat |
Internal Resistance | Low internal resistance. KOH electrolyte is lower than with NaOH electrolyte. |
Impedance | Very low. |
Storage Life | Loses less than 10% after 5 years. |
Storage Temperature | -40º F to 150º F ( -40º to 60º C) |
Disposal | Not recyclable; check with your local authority (city/county/parish) for proper disposal. |
4. Baterai Alkaline: baterai dengan daya 1.5 volts dan kapasitas energinya tinggi (AA : 2.400 mAh) meskipun masih di bawah baterai Oxyride, daya simpan bisa sampai 5 (lima) tahun, tidak bersifat racun, biasanya digunakan untuk pemakaian rumah tangga dan harganya lebih murah.
General Alkaline Battery Characteristics
Type | Primary |
Chemical Reaction | 2Zn + 3MnO2 KOH--> 2ZnO + MN3O4 |
Operating Temperature | See each type. |
Initial Voltage | 1.5 volts or 9.0 volts. |
Capacity | Alkaline batteries do not have a standard capacity rating; see the Capacity heading for a full explanation. |
Discharge Rate | Sloping. Products with a high current drain are particularly hard on batteries; the higher the current drain is, the steeper the discharge slope will be. |
Internal Resistance | Very low. It remains almost constant until the end of its life when it will increase rapidly. |
Impedance | Very low (much less than that of carbon zinc batteries). |
Storage Life | See below. |
Storage Temperature | See below. |
Disposal | Not recyclable; can be safely thrown away. |
Battery Timeline | |
around 1800 | Alessandro Volta invents the first battery (the voltaic pile). |
1802 | Dr. William Cruikshank designs the first easily-reproduced voltaic pile. |
1836 | John Daniell improves the voltaic pile to provide a steadier current. |
1859 | Gaston Planté invents the first lead-based rechargeable battery (lead acid). |
1868 | George Leclanché develops the first wet battery. |
1881 | J. A. Thiebaut patents the dry cell battery. |
1888 | Dr. Gassner develops the first dry cell battery. |
1890 | Thomas Edison invents the first rechargeable nickel-based battery (nickel-iron). |
1896 | The Columbia Dry Cell (first mass-produced battery in the United States) is introduced by the National Carbon Company. |
1896 | The D cell is invented. |
1899 | Waldmar Jungner invents the Ni-Cd (nickel-cadmium) battery. |
1910 | Rechargeable nickel-iron batteries are commercially produced. |
1914 | Thomas Edison develops the first alkaline battery. |
1934 | Schlecht and Akermann invent the sintered plate Ni-Cd battery. |
1947 | Neumann develops the sealed Ni-Cd battery. |
1949 | Lew Urry (Energizer®) develops the small alkaline battery. |
1954 | Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller and Daryl Chapin develop the first solar battery. |
1956 | The first 9-volt battery is produced by Energizer®. |
mid-1960's | Alkaline batteries are commercially produced by Union Carbide. |
mid-1970's | Maintenance-free Lead-acid battery is developed. |
mid-1970's | Non-rechargeable Lithium battery becomes available. |
1976 | Scientists at Philips® Research invent the NiMH (nickel metal-hydride) battery. |
1980's | More stable alloys for use in NiMH batteries are developed. |
early 1990's | Prismatic batteries are introduced. |
1990's | NiMH batteries are commercially produced. |
1991 | Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are commercially produced by Sony®. |
1992 | Karl Kordesch, Josef Gsellmann and Klaus Tomantschger patent the rechargeable alkaline battery. |
1992 | Rechargeable Alkaline batteries are commercially produced by Battery Technologies, Inc®. |
1999 | Lithium-ion Polymer (LPB) rechargeable batteries are commercially produced. |